FREEYA is Where Stuff Goes to Live
Issue #01
- Eric T. scored a Pop-A-Shot! We hear it’s up and running in its new home.
- Did anyone get those Father John Misty concert tix??
- Also this week, lucky winner Amber won the first giveaway of a custom built Surly Ogre.
- Did you know you can set up a saved search to get notified when something new gets posted?

Get Directions bug on Android is fixed!
Android users! Please note that the Get Directions feature does not work in the first version of the app. There is a new version ready for you this morning with a fix ( so go ahead and update! Until then, please do not use the GET DIRECTIONS feature as it will take you to the wrong address.
This Week's Friends of Freeya
Did you notice free bread, free soccer tickets and free succulents in your feed this week?? This weekend and next week, keep your eye out for more special freebies from Mississippi Records, Solabee, Heart Coffee and Hankin’s Hardware.
What’s up with Friends of Freeya? These relationships are all a part of local business collaborations meant to help each other out! We are working hard to spread the word about Freeya in a way that supports our community. We hope you find something good to bring home!

How do I win that car?
The “Freeya Car” is our grand prize which you can expect to be given away in October. Between now and then, every day that you use the app by posting or picking something up, you will be entered to win one of our giveaway items. You can read the official rules here. We’re not just giving away a car either! There’s A LOT! We’re talking electric bike, fancy coffee maker, electric chainsaw, Nugget couch, and the list goes on. So dust off those boxes in the garage and post that Jell-O mold today!

Share your Freeya posts
Did you know that you can share Freeya items with friends, outside the app? Use the shareable link feature to post with friends on BuyNothing, Facebook, Nextdoor, etc. Simply use the link in your post and it will take them directly to your item. We’ve been using the language “Manage pickup with Freeya”.

What’s coming?
- App updates to fix bugs that y’all are helping us find.
- More Friends of Freeya partnerships every week for the next 4+ weeks
- More Giveaway winners! The GIANT MONSTERA is up next!
- More treasures #foundonfreeya! We hope that as word spreads about FREEYA, more will join the party and get things moving off of your porches a little quicker. Tell your friends and of course, drop a note to support@freeya.com if you’re experiencing any issues. We’re standing by!