
FREEYA is Where Stuff Goes to Live

Issue #02


  • @nicolaonnis had some extra pep in their step after they scored the Freeya blend from Heart Coffee Roasters on Sunday.
  • Who scored that 9 person pop-up tent!?
  • Find something cool on Freeya? We're into show and tell! You can find us on social @freeyamarketplace #foundonfreeya

Prizes and Giveaways and Free Stuff, Oh my!

Let's congratulate lucky winner Annie, who took home the second Freeya giveaway of a GIANT monstera plant from Arium. Congratulations Annie, we can't wait to see what it looks like at home!

Want to know more about these big-ticket giveaways, like a 2013 Nissan Leaf!? Check out the nitty gritty at In the meantime, keep posting and picking up items and you'll be well on your way to winning!

Co-founder, Bryan with Annie and partner.

If you're new to the Freeya family, you may be wondering about all this *new* free stuff in the Freeya feed. Well, the free bike lights, records, bread, coffee, drills, etc. are a part of our extra special business relationships around Portland. These collaborations are meant to be mutually beneficial in growing each of our communities. We are working hard to spread the word about Freeya in a way that supports neighborhood businesses. We hope you find #thatfreeyafeeling out there!

Here's Bryan with two of our business partners from Solabee.
Around HQ, we call this the Freeya Car. We're very ready to call this your car! Details here.

Search Alerts

Are you a collector of rare Pachinko machines and spend hours scouring the internet for deals? There's a saved search for that! Did you know you can set up a search alert to get notified when something new gets posted?

Share Freeya posts

Did you know that you can share Freeya items with friends, outside the app? Use the shareable link feature to post with friends on BuyNothing, Facebook, Nextdoor, etc. Simply use the link in your post and it will take them directly to your item. We’ve been using the language “Manage pickup with Freeya”.

App fixes! Android 1.0.3 and iOS 1.0.8

  • Feed pictures on iOS will be less blurry
  • Making changes to your Pickup Location should be easier now! Previously, you could not edit a Pickup Location once you had live items in the feed.
  • Clicking 'item unavailable' will now end your pickup, and also take that item off the feed! Phew. There's also an additional button for "Item wasn't what I was expecting", in case you show up and decide you don't want the item after all.
  • Confirmed Pickup Requests: Previously you could only see the Poster's name and contact info once you have a confirmed pickup request. Now you can also see a map showing the general area where the pickup will be. Have no fear, you will get the specific address once your Pickup Window begins.

What’s coming?

  • App updates to fix bugs that y’all are helping us find.
  • More Friends of Freeya partnerships every week for the next 4+ weeks
  • More Giveaway winners! The NUGGET COUCH is up next!
  • More treasures #foundonfreeya! We hope that as word spreads about FREEYA, more will join the party and get things moving off of your porches a little quicker. Tell your friends and of course, drop a note to if you’re experiencing any issues. We’re standing by!
© FREEYA! 2025