
FREEYA is Where Stuff Goes to Live

Issue #07

Mega congratulations to Miranda and her family for winning the FREEYA car!
You'll easily spot her cruising around Portland in her new wheels or posting espalier fruit trees on Freeya!

Top 10 Edition!

I know you are dying to know which are the most favorited items currently on Freeya. And lucky for you, here we are with that information. Drumroll please...

These items are live NOW! Skip the line at Freddie's and just get yourself some free Q-Tips. Show us what's up @freeyamarketplace, #foundonfreeya or send a note,!

Prizes and Giveaways and Free Stuff, Oh my!

Thank you thank you thank you to EVERYONE for posting, picking up and participating in our partnerships and giveaways. You've made our launch in Portland truly enjoyable. We hope you're having fun using Freeya even without the promise of shiny new cars!

Did You Know!?

  • In the near-ish future, you'll have the option to pick-up/reserve multiple items at once . Let's say you want to spend Saturday scooping up treasures for your new apartment, you'll be able to reserve more than one item and plan your route!
  • You'll also have the option to extend your pick-up timeline . Let's say you are casually browsing Freeya during lunch break but you know you need more than 2 hours to score that cast iron fondue set. You'll be able to do that!

What version are we on?!

  • iOS 1.0.13 and Android 1.0.5

What’s coming?

  • SEATTLE HERE WE COME! We are drumming up local business partners and prepping to bring Freeya to our sister city in the coming weeks. If you have friends, family, businesses we should know about, tell them AND us!
  • Around & around & around. Keep the #foundonfreeya treasures coming!
  • Need to tell us something? Reach out to!
Freeya spotted in Boston's North End!
© FREEYA! 2025