FREEYA is Where Stuff Goes to Live
Issue #15

Freeya Spring Cleaning Giveaway—Up Up and Away!
We all know that a garage or equivalent storage vessel is a mixed blessing. Dreams of big project spaces become overrun with camping equipment, seasonal wares and old planting pots. Freeya challenges you to free yourself and reimagine those big project spaces! Post between 5/5 and 5/7 and be entered to win a $100 gift card to Home Depot! See official rules for details.

Future Spring Cleaning Giveaways:
- Toys toys toys. Big kids, little kids and yet-to-be-born kids. Stop hoarding and start rewarding yourself with clean spaces. Post between May 19-21 and be entered to win a $100 gift card!
- What space do you need help cleaning up? Send us a note and let's make a giveaway with your theme in mind! Email community@freeya.com .

The Value of Used—Pallet Gardens!
You may have noticed an abundance of pallets on Freeya lately. At our home, we burn the untreated ones in our outdoor fire pit, but it got us wondering, what else can you do with these forgotten wood structures?? Since many of us have gardening on the brain rn, let's stick with the thought and learn how to make a pallet garden!

What you’ll need: shipping pallet, 4 mounting brackets (one for each corner of the pallet – if you plan to affix your garden to another structure), weather resistant screws, roofing nails or staple gun, drill, level, landscape fabric, thin plywood cut to size to cover back of pallet (optional), potting soil and plants! Thanks to Growing a Greener World for the supply list.
NOTE: Be sure to consider the weight of a fully planted structure when you choose where to mount your garden. If the plants have any say in the matter, they'll be wanting some water. So...pallet full of dirt + plants + water = be sure you've got a sturdy home.

I'll be so eager to hear if any of you go ahead a make a pallet garden. Will you let us know if you do?! community@freeya.com
Congratulations, Liz W!
Anya won a $100 gift card to MUJI this week. Thanks to Liz's endless earring collection, we're all ready for the party.

Neighborhood News - Spotlight on Rose Haven

Freeya is the latest sponsor of Rose Haven , Portland's only day shelter and community center for women, children and marginalized genders experiencing homelessness and poverty. Rose Haven relies entirely on community donations of supplies (and cash!) to fulfill its critical mission—to provide resources, emotional support and community connections.

The items you post on Freeya are already helping Rose Haven AND if you want to help more, here are items that they ALWAYS need: tents, sleeping bags, tarps, suitcases, backpacks, and women’s sneakers in like new and good used condition. Translation: If you have these items and you post them, Rose Haven can come take them off your hands and put them to great use.

PS. Rose Haven is having their annual Make it Reign event this Mother's Day, May 14th. You can support with a donation or by registering to walk. Walk with, or in honor of, a special woman in your life—a mother, grandmother, daughter, partner or friend, and #makeitreign for Rose Haven!

Did you Know?!
- Android posters! Are you having trouble approving a pick-up time for your Plan Ahead / Scheduled pickups? When you click on a notification for a new pickup request, it will take you to a screen where you are not able to do what you need to do. Yikes! But fear not, there is still a way to select a pickup time. Simply go to your pickups view (shopping bag icon), select the item being picked up and click on a specific pickup request for your item. We have a fix that will be available next week, so keep an eye out for it if you are on Android.

- Responding to questions about your item is optional . The question and answer only become public if/when you respond.
- Annual Freeya Pro Memberships come with $59 to spend on Freeya merch and supplies .
What version are we on?!
iOS 1.2.0 and Android 1.2.0 (beep! beep! boop!)
- Pickup information is waaaay easier to find. And...zoom zoom you can get a real close look at where you're going.
- In-app messaging!! Whaat?! You can message with each other during a scheduled pickup transaction.
- Improvements on location input so you can find stuff near you. This will continue to get refined!
What's Coming Next?!
Hey Seattle! We've got a business partnership in the works that may send Portlanders up north for a day trip. We're finalizing the details so we can't share all the goodies, but we can say it's in Ballard, near the Farmer's Market. More to come!

We're always hustling to make sure you have tons of opportunities for amazing, free stuff. Whether it's coming or going out of your life, we hope you're having fun on Freeya. Don't forget to get yourself entered to win this weekend's Spring Cleaning Giveaway