
FREEYA is Where Stuff Goes to Live

Issue #16
When was the last time your kiddo played Throw Throw Burrito anyway? And how long has it been since they pulled out the kinetic sand? Slip those forgotten pastimes out the door and be entered to win $100 to your favorite toy shop! See details and official rules below.

Freeya Spring Cleaning Giveaway—TOYS TOYS TOYS!

If your home is anything like ours, the toys are piling up and taking over.

This weekend we’re having a Giveaway to inspire you to clean out that toy bin, closet or under the bed and post children’s toys in the app!

Every time you post between 5/19 and 5/21 you’re entered to win a $100 gift card to your favorite local toy store! See official rules for details.

Our kids grow out of perfectly good bikes before the bike is done giving out rides. I believe a small velvety rabbit has spoken of this phenomenon before. See official rules .

Future Spring Cleaning Giveaways:

  • What space do you need help cleaning up? Send us a note and let's make a giveaway with your theme in mind! Email
Why do children want to keep everything? This may not be a mystery we can solve today, but we can help you slip them out the door with Freeya’s handy purple porch bag. Freeya purple bags are great for sunny days too! Set your Spring Giveaway haul outside with confidence. You can use the Come Anytime pick-up option to set it and forget it!

🌷✨ Moving Day! Tips from an expert—

It’s tough to admit, or maybe just hard to identify, until—you’re moving. When faced with the reality of touching every possession—carefully placing them into a box, moving the box in and out of doorways and trucks and more doors, and then carefully taking those possessions out of their nice box—I think we can agree there is no box big enough in which to hide the truth.

And the truth is, we have too much stuff.

To help us tidy our relationship with the company we keep (we’re talking to you, Stuff) we’ve reached out for some expert advice from Jessie Culbert Boucher , a licensed real estate agent in Washington State. She’s got an intuition about manifesting a low-stress move that we just can’t replicate. Over the next few weeks Jessie shares her advice for moving out and moving in, and we’re all ears.

Part 1. Moving out—Edit Thyself.

The first step toward getting ready to move is the purge. You all knew this was coming… whether you are vacating a rental or selling a home, the edit is the first step towards moving out. I like to use the rule of two-thirds: ⅔ goes. ⅓ stays.

Purging can be fun, especially with Freeya!

Stuff accumulates. That’s the nature of living, so a thoughtful paring down of items that have gone unused for a year or more is a good place to start. Selling houseware items is typically not worth the effort. That’s where Freeya comes in. It’s just more efficient to rehome items you’re done with on the app — even large items thrift stores won’t take.

If you have any questions for Jessie , feel free to reach out to her or to us!

In our next letter, we'll have more tips from Jessie on staging and moving into your new place! Thanks for getting us started, Jessie!!

The Value of Used—Rebuilding Center!

Did you hear?? Freeya is teaming up the Rebuilding Center in Portland !! We're fanatics about their mission to make reuse and repair accessible to all as a means to reduce waste, end overconsumption, and empower homeowners and renters by making better use of our existing resources.

Over the next three weeks — treasures from the Rebuilding center will be live in the Freeya feed. Claim and visit the store on Mississippi Ave for pick up. We couldn’t be more excited! Keep eyes 👀 and bring home these 💎 !

Here is a sampling of what you'll find on Freeya from the Rebuilding Center!
They sure do love bathtubs at RBC! There's even one on Freeya, right now!

Congratulations, Merry E!

Merry won a $100 gift card to The Home Depot this week. Big thanks to Meredith for re-homing so many amazing treasures!

"Freeya has been a fun way to reach beyond my neighborhood with the spirit of gift economy and to also know that items elevate from their languish in my ownership, to being helpful and adored elsewhere." Merry E.

Neighborhood News - Spotlight on Woodland Mod

Keep your eyes on the app on Wednesdays for beautiful, housewares from Woodland Mod in Ballard.

Seattlites—Bring home the hagge (the Scandinavian cozy) during Freeya’s Seattle promotion to organize your home after all that spring purging you’ve been doing ;) Thank you for helping us launch Freeya in Seattle!

No need to spread that fresh garden bounty all over the counter! Claim this basket on Freeya and get those sweet peas in order!

Did you Know?!

  • Android posters! Are you having trouble approving a pick-up time for your Plan Ahead / Scheduled pickups? When you click on a notification for a new pickup request, it will take you to a screen where you are not able to do what you need to do. Yikes! But fear not, there is still a way to select a pickup time. Simply go to your pickups view (shopping bag icon), select the item being picked up and click on a specific pickup request for your item. We have a fix that will be available next week, so keep an eye out for it if you are on Android.
Have no fear! Go here to view and approve pickup requests!
  • Responding to questions about your item is optional . The question and answer only become public if/when you respond.
  • Annual Freeya Pro Memberships come with $59 to spend on Freeya merch and supplies .

What version are we on?!

iOS 1.2.0 and Android 1.2.0 (beep! beep! boop!)

  • Pickup information is waaaay easier to find. And...zoom zoom you can get a real close look at where you're going.
  • In-app messaging!! Whaat?! You can message with each other during a scheduled pickup transaction.
  • Improvements on location input so you can find stuff near you. This will continue to get refined!

We're always hustling to make sure you have tons of opportunities for amazing, free stuff. Whether it's coming or going out of your life, we hope you're having fun on Freeya. Don't forget to get yourself entered to win this weekend's Spring Cleaning Giveaway

Freeya pick-ups by bike are super fun! Did you know that with membership, you can pickup multiple items at once?! Why not grab a few treasures on the ride home with the Freeya Pro Membership?!
© FREEYA! 2025