FREEYA is Where Stuff Goes to Live
Issue #21
Win a $100 gift card by hosting a free pile at your garage sale!
This week's giveaway theme is ... garage sales! We're not really hosting our own garage sale, but maybe you are! Freeya can be a great way to get more folks to your garage sale. Some very clever Freeya users have already had this idea, and had great success! You can also use Freeya to post any of those left over items that you weren't able to sell.
Not having a garage sale? That's okay! You'll be entered to win for any posts that you make during the giveaway period, this weekend, between 8/4 and 8/6. (Wait, that's right now!). See official rules for details.

Neighborhood Spotlight on — Green Flamingo, Atlanta

🎥 Spotlight on: Plan Ahead aka Scheduled Pickups
This week we're talking about those types of pickups where the app helps you schedule a pickup in the future. We call them Plan Ahead, or Scheduled Pickups. You can call them whatever you want. Just don't call them late to dinner! (stupid... sorry...)

Here's the TLDR:
- If you're posting an item and you need to know when someone is coming to pick it up, you should use the Plan Ahead style of pickup. It's on Step 3 when you're posting a new item.
- Your post will include a little calendar icon in the bottom corner to tell folks that it's a scheduled pickup.
- If you want to pick up a Scheduled pickup item, the app will prompt you to submit a pickup request. Requests can be made up to 24 hours in the future, and include at least 1 2-hour time slot when you'll be available to pick up the item. It's best to include multiple time slots.
- Requests will expire as soon as the start time has passed, so don't request a time slot that starts at 1pm if it's currently 12:59pm.
- Multiple people can submit requests for the same item, but the item poster can only accept one of them. Once they accept a request, everyone who submitted a request will be notified.
- Scheduled pickups include in app messaging! As soon as your request is approved, you'll be able to message with the other person to sort out any details, if necessary. Your personal information, like phone number or email address, is never shared.
- If you can't make it to the pick up for any reason, please cancel your pickup in the app! This is very important, as the other person is likely planning to meet you during the pick up window. Please be considerate of other users!
If you're not into a lot of messaging, coordinating, and logistics, you might be interested in our bread and butter style of pickup, the Come Anytime aka Standard aka Contactless. More on that next time!

🙏 We need your help!
This whole free exchange marketplace business is a tough nut to crack. We're a small, scrappy team trying to put it all together. Believe it or not, you can help a lot by doing any (or all) of the following:
- Post a(nother) item! Posting is the secret sauce to Freeya. It's the chicken before the egg. It's the nougat at the center of the snickers.
- Refer a friend! Or heck, refer 5! We're offering free memberships to folks who sign up and post an item within 24 hours. Refer a Friend
- Leave a review in the app store. We got hammered pretty hard in the app store with some of our earlier versions. I don't blame them! Finicky apps are a bummer. If you love the latest version of Freeya, or if you love our propensity for fixing bugs, leave a review in the app store. It helps a ton! Leave App Store Review Leave Google Play Review