FREEYA is Where Stuff Goes to Live
Issue #27Suitcases and Sneaks' Giveaway
Enter to win $100 gift card!

Post your rolling suitcases and ladies sneakers for ROSE HAVEN!
Join us in giving back to our incredible Portland, OR community partner, Rose Haven! These folx have dedicated so much to helping women, children, and marginalized genders in our community. These days their work is more vital than ever. We want to help out!
[PORTLANDERS] Post your rolling suitcases and ladies sneakers for Rose Haven!!
This weekend, let's come together! Do you have gently used rolling suitcases or women's tennis shoes? If you're in Portland, OR, post them on Freeya and Rose Haven volunteers will scoop them up on your behalf.
NOTE: We will only be collecting items listed in Portland, OR. We hope to partner with more community support organizations in other cities in the furture!
RECAP!: Post functional roller suitcases and ladies sneakers on Freeya from 10/27 - 10/29 to support Rose Haven. Please include Rose Haven or RH in the title of your post so it is clear which items we need to claim. By posting, you'll ALSO be entered to win Freeya's $100 giveaway!
All out of surplus suitcases and sneakers? Don't live in the Portland area? No problem! You'll still be entered to win with any Freeya posts you make during the giveaway period, this weekend from 10/27 thru 10/29. See official rules for details.
Congratulations ANDY!
Andy won our Harvest Bounty Giveaway!! You may know them from posts such as baby/dog corral, loveseat, moving boxes and supplies, and more! Thank you so much for being a part of our community!

Upcoming Giveaways!
- Get ready, we have a handful of giveaways coming up! Start gathering up for the following:
- Game Clear Out 🎲🧩♟️⏳ Clear out your old video games, board games, or puzzles, and share the joy with others. We'll find them a new home where they can continue to bring smiles and entertainment, esp during rainy season!
- Cool Tools 🛠️ Time to channel your inner Tim the Tool Man Taylor and free up space in your workshop (we know it's crowded!).
One Man's Trash, is Another's Treasure!

Treasures in the Trash is a museum in New York City created by 30+year NYC Sanitation worker, Nelson Molina, the father of one of our Freeya members. Nelson collected discarded items from the garbage and put them on display in his work garage.
Now his collection is thousands and thousands (and thooooousands!!) of items that people can go see! He holds tours, and speaks at local art houses, universities and colleges about his collection. Sounds right up our alley, right!?
So when TL Frasqueri-Molina called us up to say our art show, Art of the Free, reminded them of their dad's life's work, we couldn't believe it. Mr. Molina is creating history while preserving it , and we're beyond honored to even share a sentence with him. Check out what Nelson has created. Pretty sure that if you're here, you're going to love it.

Neighborhood Spotlight: Nourish Botanica our Friends in ATLANTA!

We're thrilled to have joined forces with Nourish Botanica in Atlanta, GA, your go-to spot for sustainable fun and community vibes! This weekend marks a special occasion as they re-open their cafe with their signature Dream Session event on 10/28 & 10/29.
We've partnered up with them to get YOU free plants!! To grab your FREE plant (we're giving away 20!) download the app , then swing by Nourish Botanica on Sunday, 10/29 at 12pm to pot your new green friend.
Join them in this incredible journey of community, sustainability, and creativity!
Bug Bounty!

We've got some app-tastic news to share! If you've ever experienced app quirks, we've got an update for you.
We've been hard at work squashing bugs, and guess what? We found over 100 of them, thanks to both our eagle-eyed users and dedicated team.
Here's the cool part: we're not done yet. We're on a mission to make Freeya even more awesome, and you're a crucial part of that journey. No bug is too small to report , and we're grateful for every single one you've brought to our attention. As a token of our appreciation, we're sending rewards your way for those fix-worthy bugs.
We know making apps is a wild adventure, and we're a small, scrappy startup in Portland making it happen. But with your support and feedback, we're making Freeya better every day. Thanks for being an essential part of our community!
More Happs with the App below :)

Haps with the App!
- New app versions with TONS of bug fixes are here. Update now(!) for the smoothest experience.
- Freeya will always be free! But if you crave super powers, go PRO for extended pick up times and more. Details here !
- Freeya-bies for app store reviews! Love the latest Freeya, leave a review in the app store - it helps a ton! Leave App Store Review Leave Google Play Review We'll send you something too!
- Refer a friend! Or heck, refer 5! Get a free PRO Membership for any sign-ups posting within 24hrs. Imagine all those saved searches. Refer a Friend now!
- Share your awesome Freeya finds with #foundonfreeya on Instagram or Tik Tok and give us a tag @freeyamarketplace!
Events we Wanted to Share with You!
Repair PDX's Repair Fair
When: 10/26 from 6pm - 8pm
Where: ADX, 417 SE 11th Ave, Portland, OR.
What: Skilled volunteer fixers will repair your small appliances, clothing/textiles and bikes for free! It's a fantastic way to save the landfill and give your stuff a new lease on life.Solabee Flowers & Botanicals' Free Vibe Check
When: 10/29 from 12pm - 2pm
Where: Their shop at 801 N. Killingsworth St, Portland, OR
What: Get a free tarot and oracle reading and set some positive intentions for the rest of your weekend!
✨ And finally, remember to post in the app this weekend, 10/27-10/29 to be entered to win our Suitcases and Sneaks' Giveaway!✨